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Exposure Control Training

  • 37 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


This is a training that is required by the Department of Children and Families. We offer a virtual training that is interactive and engaging. In this training we will cover and at the end you will be prepared and informed on how to handing potential hazards in your school: 1. Staffing and Responsibilities 2. Employee Exposure Determination 3. Methods of Control 4. Work Practice Controls 5. Managing Spills 6. Training 7. Hepatitis B Vaccine 8. Recordkeeping 9. Exposure Reporting Procedures 10. Exposure Report Form 11. Post Hepatitis B Vaccine Declination Statement 12. Exposure Control Plan Training Statement ***Please note:*** It would be best if you purchase your Exposure Control Plan by using this link if you have not already obtained it:

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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